It’s been one year since the reset button was hit and The Independent Vanguard Adviser was launched in its new digital format. Today, I simply want to say, “Thank you.”
If you subscribed to my previous publication, thank you. Thank you for following my work in the past. And thank you for taking the next step with me here at The Independent Vanguard Adviser.
Simply put, I wouldn’t be here if it weren’t for you.
I hope that the first year has proven to you that I am all-in on this project. Earlier this year, I left my position as director of research at a multi-billion-dollar registered investment advisory firm to focus all my energy on bringing you the best Vanguard coverage possible.
Going from an editor to a self-publisher (and wearing all of the hats) has been an exciting and rewarding journey.
I have grown and learned a lot this year—believe it or not, mistakes were made along the way! I have enjoyed the opportunity to interact with you more fully than I did before. All the while, I hope I’ve provided the reliable and useful investment insights you’ve come to expect.
If you’ve only recently joined the IVA family, thank you for giving this service a try. I know your time and attention are precious—I promise not to waste it.
I’m honored that you’ve turned to me and my team to help guide you on your investment journey. It’s a responsibility I take seriously. I’m excited about the road ahead.