
Vanguard Co.

A collection of 77 posts

Quick Take

No More Cuts

Prices of goods and services of all shapes and sizes shot higher last year. Not even Vanguard, historically a cost-cutting machine, was able to buck the trend. Yes, costs (read, expense ratios) rose at Vanguard in 2022.

| 2 min read
IVA Research

How Clear Is Vanguard’s Crystal Ball?

Vanguard’s annual economic and market outlook has just been published and will no doubt garner some interest in part because it runs to almost 60 pages—long enough to suggest that it must be right. But quantity doesn’t always equal quality or accuracy!  So, if you’re going

| 5 min read
Weekly Brief

Ham-Handed Technology Woes

Supply chains on the mend | Vanguard at the bottom of J.D. Power survey | Vanguard sued over Target Retirement funds | U.S. Liquidity Factor ETF is liquidated

| 5 min read
Quick Take

Expenses At Stasis

The first batch of annual reports for a slew of Vanguard funds is out and, well, if you were hoping to see expenses falling, think again. The August fiscal year numbers are in. And out of 98 different share classes, just three saw expenses fall, while eight saw expenses rise.

| 1 min read
Quick Take

You may trust, but we will verify

Give Vanguard credit for trying to educate investors about bear markets, staying the course and what I like to call “time in the markets, not market timing.” But come on, at least get your charts to agree with your data. Vanguard posted an article on its investor website, “Keeping performance

| 1 min read