Vanguard Co.
A collection of 69 posts
Don’t Rush for the Exit
Silicon Valley Bank and Signature Bank failures | Money Market funds | Is Vanguard Safe? (Yes) | Inflation check-in | Supplemental distributions ahead
Alternative Costs
Did Alternative Strategies (VASFX) run into some trouble earlier this year? Some time between November 2021 and April 2022 Vanguard paid $637,000 into the fund to cover “higher-than-anticipated costs associated with short sale transactions.” As you may recall, the fund uses a variety of strategies to achieve a goal
Who Are Vanguard’s Pros?
Vanguard has increasingly turned to outside help, and it’s costing shareholders millions.
No More Cuts
Prices of goods and services of all shapes and sizes shot higher last year. Not even Vanguard, historically a cost-cutting machine, was able to buck the trend. Yes, costs (read, expense ratios) rose at Vanguard in 2022.
How Clear Is Vanguard’s Crystal Ball?
Vanguard’s annual economic and market outlook has just been published and will no doubt garner some interest in part because it runs to almost 60 pages—long enough to suggest that it must be right. But quantity doesn’t always equal quality or accuracy! So, if you’re going