

A collection of 25 posts

IVA Research

Mapping the World

FUNDS FOCUS – GLOBAL STOCK FUNDS | Global funds are often overlooked by investors, but several of Vanguard’s funds deserve at least a passing glance.

| 19 min read
IVA Research

Investing in Sectors Passively or Not

FUNDS FOCUS — ACTIVE SECTOR FUNDS | Can the Wellington-run sector funds outperform their index competitors?

| 8 min read
IVA Research

Searching the Sectors

FUNDS FOCUS — SECTOR INDEX FUNDS and ETFs | Whether you’re a trader or an investor, Vanguard’s sector index funds can be useful tools. But the potential rewards often blind investors to the risks.

| 22 min read
IVA Research

Kilbride’s Worthy Heir

Assessing Peter Fisher's track record before he takes the reins at Dividend Growth from Don Kilbride.

| 8 min read
Quick Take

Passing The Dividend Torch

Don Kilbride’s era at Dividend Growth is coming to an end.

| 2 min read
IVA Research

Slow Start, A Glimmer of Potential

FUNDS FOCUS — FACTOR ETFs | None of Vanguard's factor ETFs have outperformed the market. But one has caught my eye.

| 13 min read