

A collection of 25 posts

IVA Research

David, Goliath or …?

While large and small stocks get all the attention, mid-sized stocks have outperformed over the past 45 years.

| 10 min read
Quick Take

The Doctor Is Out

Longtime Health Care manager Jean Hynes will step away from portfolio management duties at the end of the year. Her co-manager, Rebecca Sykes, will take over the active sector fund.

| 2 min read
IVA Research

Time To Get Aggressive?

FUNDS FOCUS —AGGRESSIVE GROWTH FUNDS | The stock market may be at an all-time high, but with small stocks lagging behind, now may be the time to add an aggressive fund to your portfolio. But which one to pick?

| 17 min read
IVA Research

Core Strength

FUNDS FOCUS — GROWTH AND INCOME FUNDS | Evaluating Vanguard’s options for the core of your portfolio.

| 31 min read
IVA Research

What Have You Done for Me Lately?

Should we give the PRIMECAP Management team more time?

| 13 min read
IVA Research

Dividend Growth Goes Global

The new International Dividend Growth fund is a solid option for your foreign exposure, but I’m not buying it just yet.

| 13 min read