
Quick Take

A collection of 41 posts

Quick Take

Climate Confusion

In yesterday’s Weekly Brief, I told you that pressure from state attorneys general over Vanguard’s involvement in groups like Net Zero Asset Managers (NZAM) might put their ability to run their index funds at risk. Well, Vanguard caved to the political pressure. On Wednesday they exited the emission-reduction

| 2 min read
Quick Take

Expenses At Stasis

The first batch of annual reports for a slew of Vanguard funds is out and, well, if you were hoping to see expenses falling, think again. The August fiscal year numbers are in. And out of 98 different share classes, just three saw expenses fall, while eight saw expenses rise.

| 1 min read
Quick Take

You may trust, but we will verify

Give Vanguard credit for trying to educate investors about bear markets, staying the course and what I like to call “time in the markets, not market timing.” But come on, at least get your charts to agree with your data. Vanguard posted an article on its investor website, “Keeping performance

| 1 min read
Quick Take

Manager Musical Chairs Continue at Vanguard

As investors question whether they should bother owning a foreign stock fund, Vanguard is raising big questions about one of its active options, International Explorer (VINEX).

| 2 min read
Quick Take

Money Honey

As I mentioned in the last issue of our old newsletter, Vanguard’s been testing out some new alternatives to their money market funds: Cash Deposit and a new Cash Plus Account. Both use outside banks to provide FDIC insurance and are in what I’d call “beta” mode. But

| 1 min read