
IVA Research

A collection of 132 posts

IVA Research

How Much Risk?

Vanguard’s newest bond fund, which opened for investment on Thursday, January 26th, isn’t as new as you think. A little over a year ago, Vanguard launched two active bond funds. Vanguard gave Core-Plus Bond (VCPIX) just two weeks to gather assets before building its portfolio while the other,

| 12 min read
IVA Research

Growth Stocks Being Marked Down


| 22 min read
IVA Research

Big Index Fund Fails?

The Morningstar headline grabbed me. “Why Are These Big Index Funds Underperforming?” By definition index funds, if they’re doing their jobs properly, don’t outperform or underperform. They simply match their benchmarks less a bit for their expenses. Generally, when talking about outperformance or underperformance it’s active funds

| 2 min read
IVA Research

Who Are Vanguard’s Pros?

Vanguard has increasingly turned to outside help, and it’s costing shareholders millions.

| 1 min read
IVA Research

Upping the Limit

Every year around this time, Dan and I provide an update on contribution limits for retirement savings accounts. And every time we say something along the lines of “Put time on your side, and sock away as much as you can as early as you can.” Well, this year is

| 12 min read
IVA Research

Our 2022 Scorecard

Grading my 2022 Outlook.

| 5 min read