
IVA Research

A collection of 132 posts

IVA Research

Avoiding Tax Bombs

Ignore a fund's turnover if you're trying to avoid a large capital gains distribution.

| 12 min read
IVA Research

Taxing Returns

Measuring the bite taxes take out of Vanguard fund returns.

| 24 min read
IVA Research

Fleeting Flight to Safety

Investors sought safety back in 2011 when U.S. Treasury bonds were downgraded from AAA to AA by S&P. How are markets reacting this time around?

| 3 min read
IVA Research

Kilbride’s Worthy Heir

Assessing Peter Fisher's track record before he takes the reins at Dividend Growth from Don Kilbride.

| 8 min read
IVA Research

Danger Ahead?

Looking at the debt ceiling (and potential default) as an investor, not a politician.

| 11 min read
IVA Research

Stashing Cash at Vanguard

Are Vanguard's cash pilot programs—Cash Deposit and Cash Plus Account—better than their tried-and-true money market funds?

| 10 min read