

A collection of 25 posts

Quick Take

High-Yield Handoff

After 15 years, Wellington's Michael Hong steps away from High-Yield Corporate.

| 2 min read
IVA Research

Tax-Free Income for All

FUNDS FOCUS — TAX-FREE BOND FUNDS | It’s been said that only death and taxes are certain. No investor can cheat death, but there are (legal) ways to avoid paying income taxes—and one is by owning municipal bonds. Fortunately for us, Vanguard’s municipal bond funds are among the best around.

| 17 min read
IVA Research

Muni Bonds 101

There’s more to municipal bonds than just tax-free income. Before analyzing Vanguard’s tax-exempt bond funds—which are among the best around—let’s discuss the municipal bond market basics.

| 14 min read
IVA Research

Bonds Beyond the Index

FUNDS FOCUS — SPECIALTY BOND FUNDS | You can earn more income by venturing beyond the “total bond market.” But with higher yields come greater risks—tread carefully and focus primarily on Vanguard’s junk and emerging markets bond funds.

| 32 min read
IVA Research

Balancing Your Portfolio

FUNDS FOCUS — CORE TAXABLE BOND FUNDS | Vanguard’s bond managers don’t get the recognition they deserve. And though Treasury bonds are looking better than they have in a long time, Vanguard’s actively managed corporate-heavy bond funds remain my top picks for the core of your balanced portfolio.

| 25 min read
IVA Research

Give Bonds Time | Bonds 101

Yes, rising interest rates knocked the stuffing out of bonds last year. But, if given time, bonds will recover. More than that, today's higher interest rates are a good thing for bond investors. It's inflation the fixed-income investor should fear.

| 12 min read