Jeff DeMaso
364 posts
September’s Stumbling Start
Markets stumble to start September | Zweig reminds us about snake oil | Digital Advice’s minimum drops | Vanguard charges fees in error
| 4 min read
Here Comes the Fed — Part II. Stocks
Putting Wall Street’s “don’t fight the Fed” saying to the test.
| 14 min read
No Fangs for Bears and Near-Bears
SEPTEMBER 2024 | The bumpy road to stock market gains. Plus, IVA Portfolio notes, Distributions Ahead, the IVA Factor Tracker and (as always) a roundup of articles and analysis from the past month.
| 11 min read
How Much is Too Much?
NVIDIA’s sky-high valuations | Vanguard’s $1.8 billion private equity program
| 6 min read
Here Comes the Fed — Part I. Bonds
Should you buy bonds when the Fed cuts interest rates?
| 13 min read
Take a Vacation from Your Portfolio
Stocks gain ground over the summer | Vanguard to open two actively managed muni bond ETFs | Cash yields drop | A new general counsel and a big promise | 529 Plan follow-up
| 6 min read